The studio workshop is the open studio of STUDIOSPACE Lange Strasse 31. It offers space for experiments and the exchange of knowledge. Here, creative processes and backgrounds are explored, often in collaborative work with others. The focus is on working with textile materials, pigments and paper.
The studio workshop aims to promote encounters between people and enable them to develop their own creative methods.
It's all about connecting now.
Felicity Brown
Art can change the way we think about ourselves, how we view our lives and how we process our experiences. Artistic activity reflects our potential to explore how we relate to the world and how we can understand it, drawing on collective knowledge and intuition.
An artist is a person who likes to make things. I don’t see the difference between someone who is a fine crafts person or anybody who likes to do stuff with their hands and their eyes and their minds. And they do that on a regular basis to the point where they have enough of it, so they end up either showing people stuff or someone comes in and prevents them from throwing the stuff away because it seems to be littering their life. …. It’s the thing that you do. It is like being a shoemaker. It isn’t more glamorous than that. It is just the thing you do. It shouldn’t have any aura around it. It is an honest human occupation.
Melinda Gebbie
I see craft traditions as a form of collective knowledge that tells us essential things about the material we want to use. It is passed down from generation to generation. They also tell us something about the history of our civilisation.
They do not replace the individual creative process, but rather provide tried and tested tools. Craft traditions can serve as inspiration for developing your own artistic style.
With experience in using needle and thread, endless possibilities for creative and artistic design with textiles as an artistic material open up. Collective craft knowledge can be an inspiring starting point. Textile art cannot exist without this knowledge as a source and reference; the tools for this are often simple and inexpensive.
In our hands!
Workshops and courses in the context of textile arts: Textile and fiber workshops
Thanks to my art studies at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and the Städelschule Frankfurt and my apprenticeship as a bespoke men´s tailor in Ralf Schmidt's the renowned tailor workshop in Wiemeringhausen I am able to teach art and craftsmanship with equal appreciation and enthusiasm.
My textile and fibre workshops are inspired by craft traditions from all over the world. They provide a good basis for your own projects in the field of textile arts and are designed to appreciate the understanding of the importance of textile traditions and to gain practical experience. Designed for independent creative work with textile and fibre materials, they aim to impart knowledge and skills with minimal resources.
Over time, additional workshops will be added: experimental spinning with the hand spindle, felting, ribbon weaving from the Andes, ribbonwork of the Osage, Korean Bogaji, Italian Trapunto, Molas from Panama and quilting inspired by the Siddi Quilts - kawandi - from India.
My workshops and courses serve as an introduction to your own creative work with textile and fiber materials. They aim to impart knowledge and skills that enable participants to continue working independently.
Unless otherwise stated, all courses are suitable for beginners and advanced learners alike. In a small group of 4 to 6 people, I can address each participant personally and take individual needs into account.
Textile craft traditions have their origins in the creative and sustainable use of our resources. My workshops focus on fabrics that have already been worn and used, and wool from local sheep.
Please note : In my sewing classes and workshops the focus is on the craft methods rather than a design concept. Therefore you should not expect a finished work at the end of the workshops as the process is slow and the focus is on skills. You will receive guidance and inspiration, gain practical experience and develop an understanding of how to continue working independently, so that the necessary muscle memory can manifest itself in the long term, which is important for any craft.
The sewing workshops and weekend courses are a good basis for further participation in the Quilting Bee, where you will receive further support.
Participation in events is at your own risk.
1. Aus einem Interview mit Matt Green, als Teil Nottingham Contemporary der University of Nottin
gham: Ab 1:4:29
Melinda Gebbie ist eine amerikanische Comiczeichnerin und -autorin, die für ihre Beteiligung an der Underground-Comix-Bewegung bekannt ist. Wikipedia